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Announcement on setting an additional subscription period.


Funding hardware
R&D division

Total subscription
100,000,000 CZK (approx. $4,536,000)
9.5% per annum
Hash Mining s.r.o.



Funding hardware R&D division


9,5% per annum

Hash Mining s.r.o.




Funding Braiins operations


9,5% per annum

Braiins Systems s.r.o.




Funding Braiins operations


9,5% per annum

Braiins Systems s.r.o.



Быстрый запуск

означает меньшее время простоя устройств и больше Биткоина в вашем кошельке.

Быстрый запуск

означает меньшее время простоя устройств и больше Биткоина в вашем кошельке.

Быстрый запуск

означает меньшее время простоя устройств и больше Биткоина в вашем кошельке.

About braiins

In addition to operating the oldest bitcoin mining pool, Braiins projects include specialized firmware to optimize bitcoin mining and an upgraded Stratum V2 mining protocol. As part of our next phase of growth, we will launch a separate hardware division to develop several cutting-edge hardware projects.

About hash mining

A company focused on research and development of hardware projects in the field of bitcoin mining. All research to date in this area is the intellectual property of the company and therefore strictly confidential.

Hardware Lab

An existing hardware lab with 10 employees and all necessary equipment. Its backbone consists of experienced engineers with technical know-how, equipment for analysis, research and development of hardware components and software licenses for advanced prototyping.

Hardware Projects

Research and development of several hardware components for bitcoin miners. The first phase of development involves analyzing and testing existing hardware solutions on the market, i.e. the mining equipment itself, the power and cooling technologies used in mining, and container solutions.

Patents and Intellectual Property

Through ongoing research, the company builds a broad portfolio of patents and intellectual property that create significant value for the company before any of the projects are commercialized.


The company has deep technical knowledge and know-how that can be monetized in the form of consulting and participation in other company’s projects.

Why are we issuing bonds?


Research and development of hardware projects is time and resource intensive. The funding will be used for the technical laboratory further equipment, software licenses, analysis of existing competing products or production of in-house prototypes.


Research and development of several parallel hardware projects in the field of bitcoin mining, such as completing research on a unique three-phase power supply designed for cryptocurrency mining or datacenter operations.


We prefer not to finance our projects with venture capital, which usually brings a lot of pressure on the company's decision-making processes and strategies from entities without sufficient knowledge of the sector. Therefore, we are financing this project from our own resources (approx. CZK 100 million of equity) and we intend to secure additional funds through this bond issue.


Как установить и запустить Braiins Farm Proxy на Windows?

Поддерживаются архитектуры Linux и ARM, но не Windows. Braiins Farm Proxy можно загрузить в формате Docker (вместе с Prometheus, Grafana и Node Exporter) или как отдельный образ из публичного репозитория на Braiins Github.

Могу ли я запустить Farm Proxy как отдельное приложение, а в Docker формате?

Да, ее можно скачать и запустить как отдельное приложение. Образ доступен в публичном репозитории на Braiins Github.

Какие пулы для майнинга я могу использовать с Braiins Farm Proxy?

All major publicly available mining pools are supported by Braiins Farm Proxy. Tested mining pools are: AntPool, Binance pool, pool, F2Pool, Luxor, Poolin, SBI Crypto Pool, Braiins Pool, ViaBTC pool.

Какие прошивки можно подключить к Braiins Farm Proxy?

Тестировались майнеры Antminer S9, X17, X19, Whatsminer M2x/M3x и Avalon со стоковой прошивкой и Braiins OS+.


Total subscription
100,000,000 CZK (approx. $4,536,000)
Date of issue
1. 1. 2023
9.5% p.a. with quarterly interest payments
Subscription period
1. 1. 2023 - 30. 6. 2023 (additionally extended
to 30. 6. 2024)
Nominal value of the bond
500,000 CZK (approx. $22,000)
Minimum subscription amount
2,500,000 CZK (approx. $110,000)
Maturity date
Series certificated security
Detailed terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of issue here.
Массовая установка и автоматические обновления
Быстрый запуск
Разблокировка SSH
Поддержка иммерсионного охлаждения
Функция предварительного нагрева
BOSminer, разработанный с нуля в языке Rust
Имплементация Stratum V1 & V2
Полностью открытый исходный код


Как установить и запустить Braiins Farm Proxy на Windows?

Поддерживаются архитектуры Linux и ARM, но не Windows. Braiins Farm Proxy можно загрузить в формате Docker (вместе с Prometheus, Grafana и Node Exporter) или как отдельный образ из публичного репозитория на Braiins Github.

Могу ли я запустить Farm Proxy как отдельное приложение, а в Docker формате?

Да, ее можно скачать и запустить как отдельное приложение. Образ доступен в публичном репозитории на Braiins Github.

Какие пулы для майнинга я могу использовать с Braiins Farm Proxy?

All major publicly available mining pools are supported by Braiins Farm Proxy. Tested mining pools are: AntPool, Binance pool, pool, F2Pool, Luxor, Poolin, SBI Crypto Pool, Braiins Pool, ViaBTC pool.

Какие прошивки можно подключить к Braiins Farm Proxy?

Тестировались майнеры Antminer S9, X17, X19, Whatsminer M2x/M3x и Avalon со стоковой прошивкой и Braiins OS+.


Как установить и запустить Braiins Farm Proxy на Windows?

Поддерживаются архитектуры Linux и ARM, но не Windows. Braiins Farm Proxy можно загрузить в формате Docker (вместе с Prometheus, Grafana и Node Exporter) или как отдельный образ из публичного репозитория на Braiins Github.

Могу ли я запустить Farm Proxy как отдельное приложение, а в Docker формате?

Да, ее можно скачать и запустить как отдельное приложение. Образ доступен в публичном репозитории на Braiins Github.

Какие пулы для майнинга я могу использовать с Braiins Farm Proxy?

All major publicly available mining pools are supported by Braiins Farm Proxy. Tested mining pools are: AntPool, Binance pool, pool, F2Pool, Luxor, Poolin, SBI Crypto Pool, Braiins Pool, ViaBTC pool.

Какие прошивки можно подключить к Braiins Farm Proxy?

Тестировались майнеры Antminer S9, X17, X19, Whatsminer M2x/M3x и Avalon со стоковой прошивкой и Braiins OS+.


Как установить и запустить Braiins Farm Proxy на Windows?

Поддерживаются архитектуры Linux и ARM, но не Windows. Braiins Farm Proxy можно загрузить в формате Docker (вместе с Prometheus, Grafana и Node Exporter) или как отдельный образ из публичного репозитория на Braiins Github.

Могу ли я запустить Farm Proxy как отдельное приложение, а в Docker формате?

Да, ее можно скачать и запустить как отдельное приложение. Образ доступен в публичном репозитории на Braiins Github.

Какие пулы для майнинга я могу использовать с Braiins Farm Proxy?

All major publicly available mining pools are supported by Braiins Farm Proxy. Tested mining pools are: AntPool, Binance pool, pool, F2Pool, Luxor, Poolin, SBI Crypto Pool, Braiins Pool, ViaBTC pool.

Какие прошивки можно подключить к Braiins Farm Proxy?

Тестировались майнеры Antminer S9, X17, X19, Whatsminer M2x/M3x и Avalon со стоковой прошивкой и Braiins OS+.


What do we use the collected money for?

The raised funds will be used by the company Hash Mining for the acquisition of technical laboratory equipment and software licenses, analysis of existing competition, and most importantly the production of our own prototypes.

How can we afford to pay back the bonds?

Profit from the sale of the results of our hardware products and in the future from strategic partners.

How did we do with our previous bond offering?

Our last offering was oversubscribed and all interest payments have been made to schedule so far. Interested parties who were unable to secure an allocation in the last offering have been added to a waiting list for future offerings.

How do we deliver the bond to the buyer?

By post, in person and possibly by a third party.

How are the bonds secured?

The bonds are secured by all the assets of the issuing company. At the same time, none of the bond holders has preferential or disadvantageous terms and conditions in relation to the other bond holders, nor do they have any additional rights and obligations towards them.

How are interest payments calculated and what is the payment schedule?

The interest is calculated annually (9.5% per annum) and on a straight-line basis. Interest payments are made at the end of every quarter, to the account of the bondholder.

How are bond yields taxed?

For individuals, we withhold tax on the proceeds so that the owner receives the interest after tax. Legal persons, whether companies or entities, tax the interest themselves according to the tax regime in which they operate.


If you are interested in purchasing our bonds, please reach out to us via this form.

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